Best Ways and Tools to Get Feedback on Audio

No matter what you’re working on, customer feedback will be essential to deliver a stellar outcome that’s going to surpass expectations.

We’ve already covered the essentials of getting video feedback and incorporating that information in your final delivery. But how about audio feedback?

Some of the tools we’ve already discussed for the provision of feedback on videos can also be used to get customer comments on your audio work.

Do check out the review, as it will acquaint you with a number of excellent tools you should consider.

But if you’d like to get a few additional feedback app ideas, you’ll find them here.

Let’s review some of the platforms designed specifically for audio files, as well as a couple of those that can be used to receive feedback on all kinds of work.

Communication Is Vital for Business Continuity

Before moving on to exploring tools and apps, let’s discuss the importance of stimulating clients to deliver feedback.

If you’ve been freelancing for some time, you already know the tremendous importance of happy customers. Making sure your clients are satisfied will ensure repeat work.

In addition, satisfied clients are likely to recommend you, which facilitates the process of new customer acquisition.

You should be the one encouraging clients to provide you with feedback (as often, clients aren’t aware of the steps required for successful project completion).

That can be done when you submit a version of your work for review and consideration. It’s important to get comments before you’re done with the respective part of the project.

This way, you’ll get to handle edits and improvements quickly and without wasting time/resources.

Some freelance professionals are afraid of negative feedback but ultimately, it can lead to better work.

Make it a habit of sending work halfway through for customer comments. By doing so, you can get a much better idea about the direction that the client wants you take.

Also, you’ll understand if they’re happy with what has been completed or if you’ll need to rework some parts of the project.

So, let’s sum up a few of the essentials you need to do in order to improve your work:

  • Make sure you’re both on the same page right off the bat, set clear expectations to avoid disappointment later on
  • Check in with the client often to let them know how you’re progressing
  • Send a “draft” midway to collect some feedback on the work you’ve done so far
  • If you receive negative feedback, don’t take it personally. Try to find out why the client’s unhappy and propose an improvement
  • Continue communicating, reiterating the points that the client has made and letting them know how such feedback has been incorporated in your work

Now that we’ve talked about the importance of feedback, we also need to mention that you need an optimal way to collect information.

Email exchanges and phone calls aren’t best. They leave some room for errors and misunderstandings.

This is why audio and video file feedback apps offer a much better alternative.

The Best Tools to Collect Feedback on Audio Projects

Here are a couple of tools you can use for the purpose of collecting audio feedback.

Hightail allows easy collaboration and project management on a vast range of files, including most video and audio formats.

Some of the best Hightail features include the following:

  • The ability to share large files with your clients
  • Recipients receive an email notification whenever a new audio file has been uploaded for review
  • Sync files from Dropbox and Microsoft OneDrive
  • All asset feedback is collected in one place
  • You can have real-time conversations with clients via the app
  • Preview files with side-by-side comparison
  • Version control for effortless progress tracking
  • Assign follow-ups and due dates for the additional work that needs to get done

The app’s shortcomings include the following:

  • Some issues with file uploads in a couple of less popular browsers
  • A couple of syncing issues experienced by users
  • Free version has limited tools available, paid version is a bit expensive

Price: A free 14-day trial version is available. The Lite version that gives you access to limited features is available free of charge. Other plans cost anywhere between 12 and 36 dollars per user per month.

Here’s another simple tool you can use to upload files (both audio and video formats are supported) in order to collaborate and get feedback.

QuickReviewer consolidates all of the comments you’ve gotten from clients, providing all of the essential data in the same place.

Here’s what you’ll get out of this feedback app:

  • Supports multiple file formats
  • Easy comment search and sorting tools
  • Ability to view unresolved issues, in order to address these
  • Task list creation to stay on top of the job
  • The ability to respond to clients (comments are color-coded for easier management)
  • Annotation tools for instant and real time feedback viewing
  • File status assignment for better organization

QuickReviewer has just a few shortcomings:

  • Some users aren’t too happy with the interface
  • No live updates
  • History of comments becomes unavailable once a new file version is uploaded

Price: QuickReviewer has a free plan with some of the app’s core functionalities. If you’d like to get access to all of the features, you’ll have to invest anywhere between eight and 50 dollars per month on one of the premium plans.

Since it supports a huge range of audio and video file formats, Ziflow is an ideal option for the effortless collection of client feedback.

Here’s what the app has to offer:

  • Central feedback handling via a web browser (cloud-based service)
  • Secure proof sharing with users
  • Accurate annotations and comments
  • Side-by-side version comparison for easier progress tracking
  • Template and workflow creation to manage work in a more personalized way
  • Tracking of comments, versions, who has opened and viewed files, approvals, rejections, etc.
  • Real-time commenting for better communication with clients
  • Supports over 1,200 file formats

On the downside:

  • Can get visually disorganized when you have numerous files to manage
  • Way too many features, can get somewhat confusing
  • Some issues with file syncing

Price: The Ziflow personal plan is available free of charge and it gives access to some of the key functionalities. For the full package, you’ll need to spend between 18 and 45 dollars per user per month.

The final entry in the list is another versatile feedback collection tool that supports an array of files. ReviewStudio allows the upload of common audio and video formats, as well as multiple other files. Here’s an overview of what the app has to offer:

  • Easy mark up and comment creation 
  • Track revision with integrated task management
  • Centralized feedback collection
  • Both independent and live review sessions are supported by the platform
  • A comprehensive audit trail to keep track of progress
  • Effortless data synchronization
  • Deadline management to complete work within a previously determined timeframe

The few things that aren’t so great about ReviewStudio include the following:

  • Since many features are available, interface can be somewhat overwhelming for new users
  • Some issues with comment chronology if there are multiple reviews on the same file
  • No free version, somewhat expensive

Price: Unfortunately, ReviewStudio doesn’t have a free version (although a free trial is available). The Pro plan for individuals starts at 19 dollars per month, the Team plan costs 68 dollars per month and there’s also a large agency plan available for 289+ dollars per month. Annual billing is available, making the plans a bit more affordable.

Feedback Collection: Personalize the Process

The apps mentioned here are just a few of the options you can count on to collect client feedback.

What matters here is creating a procedure that you feel comfortable with. Some freelancers prefer email communication. Some like holding video sessions with clients to touch base and discuss issues while progress is being made.

Feedback apps are a cool opportunity because they centralize feedback collection and they also simplify project management.

Depending on your specific niche, it may be a good idea to choose a feedback tool that supports an array of file formats.

Rarely will you have to share solely audio files with your clients (unless that’s the area you specialize in). Having a platform that enables the sharing of all kinds of files is going to simplify collaboration and improve freelance processes.

And if you’re really serious about your job, consider getting a project management tool.

These apps do feature feedback collection but it’s just one of the functionalities available to enhance work processes and ensure the delivery of outcomes that clients are going to be beyond satisfied with.

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